Turtles are important carriers of Salmonella agents in the World. In this study, fecal swap samples from 43 adult turtles from a turtle farm in the west of Turkey were taken. These examples were investigated for Salmonella spp. Salmonella enterica serotype Newport (SN) were isolated from 6 out of 43 fecal swap samples (13.95%). The isolates were identified with Vitec 2 Compact fully automated identification device and serological tests. SN causes significant food poisoning in humans through vegetables such as lettuce and cucumber. These data show that turtles can play a porter role in salmonella infections in our country and can infect people through vegetables that grow in the soil. Studies around the world show that SN is infecting people with vegetables, but there is little data on contaminated turtle portraits. The study also contributes to the lack of data on this topic in the World. In addition, should be done more detail studies to reveal the releationship between vegetables grown in the soil and turtles and Salmonellosis in Turkey. SN is also important for antibiotic resistance that develops very rapidly.