The study is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the Ukrainian diaspora’s life in Lithuania. The Ukrainian community in this country has deep historical roots, but as in other countries of the former Soviet Union, it became more active in the late 1980s. From that time community organizations began to be formed, and become important centers of diaspora. They conduct powerful cultural-educational work. They have been spreading and popularizing our cultural traditions for quite some time. Ethnic Ukrainians constantly help their homeland and maintain a positive image of Ukraine in the world. It should also be noted that Ukrainian communities in Lithuania actively influence the transparent coverage of events in Ukraine. But Ukrainians in Lithuania are quickly assimilated and lose their identity. One of the reasons for this is that in the Republic of Lithuania after the restoration of independence, almost all Ukrainians received the citizenship of this state, in contrast to other Baltic countries. Also, the integration of newly arrived Ukrainians into the previously larger Russian community in the country. And according to the latest data, there is a much larger influx of Ukrainians over the last few years, even compared to the Russians. This gives hope that the development of the Ukrainian community will not be pretended. Currently, there is no single research that would compare the life of the Ukrainian community in Lithuania in the modern period. Thus, the systematization and analysis of information about the activities of the Ukrainian community in Lithuania are incredibly relevant.