Ukrainian Information Flows in the Crimean Internet Segment: Analysis of Online Content and Media Agenda During the Period of 2014-2020

The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the Ukrainian information network in the Crimean Internet segment. In particular, the authors analyze the methods and mechanisms of the work of the Ukrainian authorities with the inhabitants of the peninsula, the results of monitoring the presence of the Ukrainian media agenda in the Crimean Internet space. The relevance of this study is due to a number of factors: political - rejection of the events of the Crimean Spring, the referendum and reunification with Russia both in the international and in the Ukrainian field; economic - a decline in the quality and standard of living of the Ukrainian population with economic stability in Crimea and infrastructural reorganization of the peninsula, the rupture of economic, energy, resource ties between Ukraine and Russia, including Crimea; information and propaganda - the need to implement counter-propaganda measures on the part of Crimea in connection with the strengthening of extremist propaganda aimed at the inhabitants of the peninsula. The results of the study, carried out with the financial support of the RFFR within the framework of the scientific project No. 18-011-00937\20 “Ukrainian information flows in the Crimean segment of social media: risks and technologies for overcoming the negative effects of anti-Russian rhetoric in the online environment”, showed the existing differentiation of online communities in the Crimean Internet segment, the preservation of the negative tone of Ukrainian information flows within the Crimean discourse with the emergence of unifying topics, the structuredness of the media agenda of Ukraine, focused on the inhabitants of Crimea.