Religious Factor in the Formation of Youth Mentality

In the article the author considers the issue that currently mentality is influenced primarily by economic, social, cultural, religious, political factors. The most important factor affecting the mentality, behavior, character of an individual, social group is religion. Today in the world the mental traits of any social group, especially youth, are more susceptible to change, since the historical development of the mentality of young people is more dynamic than the development of the mentality of other demographic groups, as it is more susceptible to innovation and innovation. Most young Russians in all regions of our multi-confessional country perceive themselves as believers. The difference in religious beliefs contributes to the separation of the youth social group. To prevent religious conflicts, it is important to form a tolerant attitude of representatives of different faiths to each other. It is indicated that the so-called imaginary religiosity appeared, when only external religiosity is presented without a deep internal commitment to dogma. These processes are most clearly visible among young people. The confessional identification of the young generation of Russians in most cases is determined purely ethnically. Often young people determine their religion not by deep convictions, but by a formal-ethnic principle. It is emphasized that at present in Russian society there are not enough cultural and moral prerequisites for the revival of genuine religious spirituality, and the difference in religious beliefs contributes to the separation of the youth environment.