Subject matter of the study was the issue concerning prospects of constitution of specialized courts in Russia. The court reform carried out in Russia is oriented to the creation of the quality court defense of constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals and legal entities. The Federal Constitutional Law dated from 31.12.1996 № 1‑FKZ «Оn the Court System of the Russian Federation» stipulates constitution of specialized federal courts (art. 26).Specialized courts are unique institute and have special place and power in hearing of specific cases between define subjects. There is an opinion that specialization of courts can be explained with the following number of reasons: firstly, their creation will favor strengthening of the judicial system; secondly, review and resolution of a certain category of cases secures a higher professionalism of judges; thirdly, courts of special jurisdiction will secure the appropriate rate of the trial. The issue of specialization of courts is urgent question; firstly, specialization occurs in many areas of activity, in this context the specialization is also possible in judicial activity. Disputes are becoming more puzzled. They can be labor, corporate, administrative and others. In these instances it is essential to call attention to the consideration of individual peculiarities of each dispute. Firstly, as practice has shown, sophistication of disputes leads to transformation of judicial system. But frequent transformations are harmful. In the long all countries create their judicial systems. In this juncture the author has come to the conclusion that the legal result depends on how duly the judicial system works. In terms of international experience author suggests the conception of organization of freestanding specialized courts and give reasons for it.