Label-free non-invasive subwavelength-resolution imaging using yeast cells as biological lenses

There is a growing interest to use live cells to replace the widely used non-biological microsphere lenses. In this work, we demonstrate the use of yeast cells for such imaging purpose. Using fiber-based optical trapping technique, we trap a chain of three yeast cells and bring them to the vicinity of imaging objects. These yeast cells work as near-field magnifying lenses and simultaneously pick up the sub-diffraction information of the nanoscale objects under each cell and project them into the far-field. The experimental results demonstrated that Blu-ray disc of 100 nm feature can be clearly resolved in a parallel manner by each cell. (c) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
Funding Information
  • Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (LH2021F008)
  • Welsh Government on Center for Photonics Expertise (CPE) Project (81400)
  • European Regional Development Fund