Solving Linear Programs in the Current Matrix Multiplication Time

This article shows how to solve linear programs of the form minAx=b,x≥ 0 c x with n variables in time O*((nω+n2.5−α/2+n2+1/6) log (n/δ)), where ω is the exponent of matrix multiplication, α is the dual exponent of matrix multiplication, and δ is the relative accuracy. For the current value of ω δ 2.37 and α δ 0.31, our algorithm takes O*(nω log (n/δ)) time. When ω = 2, our algorithm takes O*(n2+1/6 log (n/δ)) time. Our algorithm utilizes several new concepts that we believe may be of independent interest: • We define a stochastic central path method. • We show how to maintain a projection matrix √ WA (AWA)−1AW in sub-quadratic time under \ell2 multiplicative changes in the diagonal matrix W.
Funding Information
  • Amazon
  • NSF (CCF-1740551, CCF-1749609, and DMS-1839116)
  • Schmidt Foundation
  • Google
  • Ma Huateng Foundation
  • Simons Foundation

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