An investigation on wavy FinFETs with a combination of optimization methods

Wavy FinFET is a hybrid device that integrates FinFET and Ultrathin Body FET technologies on SOI platform to provide high density and drivability without causing area penalty. The problem associated with this device is higher leakage and lower threshold voltage. This problem can be solved by structural modification of the device. This work investigates on the Wavy FinFETs with a combination various optimization methods such as work function engineering and asynchronous drain source engineering (WrkFn + ADSE), work function engineering and high-k dielectric (WrkFn + High-k), work function engineering and isolation oxide thickness (WrkFn + Iso_Oxide), work function engineering and substrate doping (WrkFn + Sub Dop) and asynchronous drain source engineering and high-k dielectric (ADSE + High-k). This work is done using Cogenda Visual TCAD simulation.

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