设ℤ×ℤ是二维整数格且k,l∈ℕ,若格点(m,n)∈ℤ×ℤ位于形如y=rxk(r∈ℚ)的曲线上,且在(m,n)与原点(0,0)之间的相应曲线段上至多有l−1个格点(不含端点),则称(m,n)是l-重的k-可见格点。特别地,当重数l=1时,简称(m,n)为k-可见格点。本文给出了方形区域[1,x]×[1,x]中l-重k-可见格点个数的一个渐近公式,这推广了Goins等人关于k-可见格点密度的一个结果。Let ℤ×ℤ be the two dimensional integer lattice and k,l∈ℕ . We say a point (m,n)∈ℤ×ℤ is k-visible with Level-l if it lies on a curve of type y=rxk with r∈ℚ and there are at most l−1 lattice points on the curve segment between points (m,n) and (0,0) (not included). In this paper, we prove an asymptotic formula for the number of lattice points in the square [1,x]×[1,x] which are k-visible with Level-l. This generalizes a result of Goins et al.