Hunger is more cruel then other tragedies. Saint Ramalingar loudly said to the enlightened world that ‘Seevakarunyam’ is spiritual contribution to elimination of hunger of another soul. He has said happyness and sorrow belong only to the soul, not for the body. So hunger suppresses wisdom of soul. It is not a crime to satisfy the hunger of sinners. Humans have the power to feel the hunger of others. Therefore, the primary task of Vallalaar is to satisfy the hunger of fellow human beings. Also Vallalaar insists on eating meat and donating it to others. Because he considers eating meat to be against spiritual wisdom and spirituality. Diferrences of nation, caste and creed are not important for elimination of hunger of others. It is our duty to quench the hunger of fellow human beings. A mind devoid of debit will cure hunger. Thus wisdom is the realization of oneself by others.