The methods of calculation of steering systems of vehicles are analyzed. The main factors that influence the driver's efforts when turning steered wheels are identified. They depend on the design of the steering, the trajectory of movement, speed, mass. It is determined that on surfaces with high coefficient of adhesion when turning the steered wheels in place, a significant part of the moment of resistance when turning the wheels is the moment of resistance of the tire rotation. Reducing the torque of the tire occurs while driving, which in turn reduces the overall torque of the steered wheels. The characteristic of the moment of resistance of the rotation of the tire is non-linear, which complicates the calculation. Therefore, for the calculation of the characteristic is divided into sections with conditionally the same dependence. The dependence of the moment of resistance of the rotation of the tire on the spot on the angle of rotation of the steered wheel of the trolleybus with the maximum allowable load on the axle was obtained. The dependence of the driver's effort on the moment of resistance on the steered wheels is shown. The mechanical parameters of the electric power steering of the trolleybus are determined. Проведен анализ методов расчета систем рулевого управления транспортных средств. Получена зависимость момента сопротивления повороту шины на месте от угла поворота управляемого колеса троллейбуса при максимально-допустимой нагрузке на ось. Определены механические параметры электрического усилителя рулевого управления троллейбуса. Проведено аналіз методів розрахунку систем рульового керування транспортних засобів. Отримано залежність моменту опору повороту шини на місці від кута повороту керованого колеса тролейбусу при максимально-допустимому навантаженні на вісь. Визначені механічні параметри електричного підсилювача рульового керування тролейбусу.