本研究将团体心理辅导的理论知识与实践相结合,探究团体心理辅导对大学生自我效能感的促进作用,从而扩展团体心理辅导的理念与运用,丰富提高大学生自我效能感的方式和方法。该研究以我校的大专学生作为研究对象,通过线上的方式招募了16名志愿者,进行了六次团体心理辅导,并在团辅干预前,干预中,干预后对团体成员进行了访谈,观察员对整个团体辅导过程进行观察记录,最后对干预前后的数据进行了分析。结果表明,团体心理辅导对提升大学生自我效能感有显著效果,团体成员自我效能感水平有所提高,成员能够有积极的认知与情绪,也能形成积极的人际关系和积极行为。 This study combines the theoretical knowledge and practice of group psychological counseling to explore the promoting effect of group psychological counseling on college students’ self-efficacy, so as to expand the concept and application of group psychological counseling and enrich the ways and methods to improve college students’ self-efficacy. In this study, the college students in our university were selected as the research objects, 16 volunteers were recruited through online way, and group psychological counseling was carried out for six times. Before, during and after the intervention, the group members were interviewed, and the observers observed and recorded the whole process of group counseling. Finally, the data before and after the intervention were analyzed. The results show that group counseling has a significant effect on improving college students’ self-efficacy. The level of group members’ self-efficacy has been improved. Members can have positive cognition and emotion, and can also form positive interpersonal relationship and positive behavior.