为解决纤维沥青混合料路面在交通荷载和自然环境综合作用下会过早老化的问题,本文通过力学性能和体积特性试验以及数学分析方法,研究纤维掺量、物理技术指标、水和盐水及加速老化条件下质量损失状况及不同温度下抗弯强度对钢丝绒纤维沥青混合料的影响。研究结果表明:钢丝绒纤维改善密实型沥青混合料的力学性能和抗破坏性能并不明显;钢丝绒纤维可以改变混合料中的空隙分布,减少颗粒的损失阻力;使用较大直径的短纤维时,不会损失密实型沥青混合料的原有特性。 Environmental conditions combined with traffic loads contribute to premature deterioration of asphalt concrete pavements, reducing their strength and durability over time. To improve it, fibers can be incorporated in the mixture. The results of the study show that steel wool fibers are not obvious in improving the mechanical properties and damage resistance of dense asphalt mixtures; steel wool fibers can change the distribution of voids in the mixture and reduce particle loss resistance; when using larger diameter short fibers, it will not lose the original characteristics of dense asphalt mixture.

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