Relationships in works Poet Na. Muthukumar

Relationships with others or similar groups in society in the youth of everyone's life provide many experiences. Home situations, the sense of safety and care available to parents are significant in this development. For the youth, the family provides the protective features of food, clothing, shelter and love. It is desired to give himself priority and freedom in homes. It is learnt that children's attitudes also develop according to the upbringing of their parents at home. Human behaviors are developed and regulated by social units in which human interaction sits. In this way, relationships are often the state of family relationships and the state of co-relationships of society. It is the urge to live together, the urge to depend, to do so, and to take the lead in the process of conception and co-operation. This article is a demonstration of the nature of such relationships through the works of poet N. Muthukumar.