Collaborative Governance Antara Pemerintah Desa dengan Warga Desa dalam Pengelolaan Cerobong Sampah dan Bank Sampah di Desa Kramatwatu

This study aims to analyze the Collaborative Governance process and find out the factors that influence the collaboration process in the chimney and waste bank program in Kramatwatu Village. The research method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that collaborative governance in the chimney and waste bank program in Kramatwatu Village had been going well, only one process that had not gone well was commitment, seen from the indicators of collaborative governance according to Ansel and Gash, namely face-to-face dialogue (face to face), building trust (trust building), commitment to the process (commitment to process), shared understanding (share understanding), and intermediate outcomes. Judging from the commitment process in Kramatwatu Village, it has not been going well, it is located in RW 01 and also RW 04, which has a responsibility for the chimney that is not responsible so that the waste reduction is not optimal. The factors that influence the collaboration process are initial conditions, facilitative leadership, and institutional design. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses Collaborative Governance dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi proses kolaborasi dalam program cerobong sampah dan bank sampah di Desa Kramatwatu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa collaborative governance dalam program cerobong sampah dan Bank sampah di Desa Kramatwatu sudah berjalan dengan baik, hanya saja salah satu proses yang belum berjalan dengan baik yaitu komitmen, dilihat dari indikator proses collaborative governance menurut Ansel dan Gash, yaitu dialog tatap muka (face to face), membangun kepercayaan (trust building), komitmen terhadap proses (commitment to process), pemahaman bersama (share understanding), dan hasil antara (Intermediate outcomes). Dilihat pada proses komitmen di Desa Kramatwatu belum berjalan dengan baik ini terletak pada RW 01 dan juga RW 04 yang memiliki penanggungjawab atas cerobong sampah yang kurang bertanggungjawab sehingga kurang maksimalnya pengurangan sampah. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi proses kolaborasi yaitu kondisi awal, kepemimpinan fasilitatif, dan desain institusioanal.