Case Report on Tuberculosis Meningitis-A Nurses Perspective

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bacteria that cause tuberculosis. If the infection is not treated immediately the bacterium passes via the circulatory system and spread other organs and tissues. Pathogen will travel to the meninges and causes inflammation of membranes called as tubercular meningitis. Here, the authors report a case of tuberculous meningitis a 42- years-old male patient with the chief complaints of low grade fever with chills since 1 month, headache in frontal region since 5-6 days, altered sensorium, breathing difficulty, reduced speech and left side weakness of the body since 1 day. After admitting in the ward all investigation done like MRI brain, ECG, lumbar puncture, blood tests etc. and he diagnosed as tuberculous meningitis. Patient admitted in AVBRH in ICU, investigations done, where patient was on NIV support, nasogastric tube, foleys catheter and it has been removed as patient was improving the condition and shifted in ward. Patient medical treatment in the ward was inj. C-tri 2 gm, Inj.levoflox 500 mg, inj. thimine 100 mg, Inj.Dexamethasone 10 mg, tab. Pan 40 mg, tab. Akt4 3, Inj.manitol, tab. Lorazepam. History collection, Physical examination, neurological assessment and nursing care plan were done after all treatment patient condition has been improved.