Preoperative Biopsy Evaluation of Chemotherapy-Associated Liver Injuries

We read with great interest the study by Viganò et al1 regarding the use of preoperative biopsy to evaluate chemotherapy-associated liver injuries (CALIs). With the increasing use of preoperative chemotherapy, concern has grown that CALIs may be more prevalent and, in turn, adversely affect perioperative outcomes. Our group2 has previously shown that patients who undergo a major hepatic resection in the setting of steatohepatitis are at risk for increased perioperative mortality. Other studies, however, found no association between simple steatosis or sinusoidal dilatation and outcome.3,4 The prospective trial by the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer examined the use of perioperative chemotherapy and found a small increase in perioperative complications in the treatment arm but no difference in mortality.5