Statistical Characterization of PMU Error for Robust WAMS Based Analytics

Synchronized phasor measurement unit (PMU) data contain rich information about power systems, hence the quality of estimates is of utmost concern. The existing methodologies for estimation rely on certain assumptions regarding the error in the measurement data. This paper revisits a key assumption specifically the Gaussian character of the error. A quantification of the PMU error yields its nature and statistical properties including its dependence on various sections of the PMU instrumentation channel (supposedly the major source of error in the PMU data). The non Gaussian nature of the error is asserted using various null hypotheses tests and a novel Gaussian mixture model based clustering technique is proposed to characterize and relate the errors present in PMU measurement data to the saturation in current transformer, cable length and the PMU burden. The proposed approach is tested using both real and synthetic PMU datasets. The ultimate goal of the paper is towards creating a PMU error emulator for testing and research of data analytic algorithms focused on crucial WAMS based applications.

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