An Overview in Protection Coordination Methods for Mitigation DGs Penetration in Distribution System. (Dept. E)

This paper introduces an overview for the benefits of distributed generations (DGs) in many aspects related to reliability of distribution system. Also, introduce the issues developed in protection system regarding the penetration of (DGs) in distribution system. A review is introduced of different scenarios of coordination between the common protection devices such as overcurrent relays, fuses, reclosers in distribution system. Furthermore, a review of protection coordination scenarios that developed to mitigate the DGs penetration that divided into two scenarios, one of them with minimum change in protection system such as disconnect DG from network when fault happen, limits DG output current according to DG terminal voltage, and Optimal DG size and location. The other scenario introduces a modification in protection system component such as obtaining new relay coordination and limiting fault current levels. These scenarios are developed to obtain the protection system secure and reliable as before the penetration of DGs. A comparison between advantages and disadvantages of these scenarios in terms of cost, communication links are introduced. Also, a review of usage of fault current limiter device (FCL) as a practical solution to mitigate DGs penetration impacts in protection system.