Assessment to identify the awareness and preventive measures of respiratory problems owing to air pollution among traffic police personnel in Bengaluru, Karnataka

Introduction: Air pollution has been identified as a major health problem of concern. Bengaluru being a metropolitan city witnesses a steep increase in population and hence immersed in long hours of traffic congestion. Hence, traffic police officers bear the maximum impact on their health. Objective: This study aims to assess and understand the awareness and knowledge about the different respiratory problems that traffic police personnel are at risk of developing as well as the protective measures taken by them towards their prevention. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted in Bengaluru among the traffic police officers of the city, data collection was done using a questionnaire which was prepared prior. Results: Of the total 50 participants, 88% were aware of the vehicular emissions and their contribution to air pollution while 68% had known about ailments like lung cancer. 76% use mask during their work hours while 20% do not use any of the protective measures. Conclusion: Traffic police officers being at risk for development of respiratory ailments, should undergo regular check-ups apart from using all kinds of protective measures for a healthy and a disease-free life.