本研究对基于乡村振兴背景下乡村旅游服务可持续发展进行了阐述,以宣城市宣州区水东镇作为研究地区,通过调研团队到当地进行走访、发放调查文卷的形式,了解到水东镇的乡村旅游发展情况,对当地特有的旅游资源和地理优势有了一定的了解。同时也运用了SWOT分析法,深入了解和分析了水东镇发展乡村旅游的优势、劣势和机会。 This study based on the country revitalization of the sustainable development of rural tourism services under the background, to declare the Xuanzhou city water district east town as a study area, through investigation team to visit local grant a poll in the form, understand the status of rural tourism development to water east town, on the local characteristic of the tourism resources and geographical advantage had certain understanding and using the method of SWOT, in-depth understanding of the rural tourism development and analyzes the water east town advantage dis-advantage and opportunity.

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