Impacts of Breakfast Eating Behaviors on Lipid Profile of University going Students

Change in dietary patterns influenced the health status of people worldwide. The devastating burden of metabolic diseases is now the major challenge for developing economies. Mostly people skip their breakfast and used to consume higher quantities of fried foods during their craving conditions. These fried foods are leading cause of various disorders in body including hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular diseases. Current study was conducted to evaluate lipid profile and physical parameters of the graduate students (Healthy breakfast eaters, fried foods breakfast eaters and breakfast skippers). For this purpose, data collected through the questionnaire was utilized to estimate and evaluate some parameters (i.e., BMI, total proteins, total carbohydrates and total fats) about dietary habits of participants. The chemistry analyzer was utilized to determine the lipid profiling (i.e., Total cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL, and VLDL) of selected candidates. The results depicted that the total cholesterol and triglyceride levels were observed higher in no breakfast eaters as compared to breakfast eaters and healthy breakfast eaters. Moreover, TCs (206.13±24.52mg/dl) and TGs (241.40±115.17mg/dl) were extraordinary higher in females and males of NBE groups, accordingly. HDL levels were lower and LDL levels were higher in non-breakfast eaters. BMI and Total fat were also higher in non-breakfast eaters indicating the increased health risks. Thus, to prevent chronic metabolic disorders the healthy eating pattern should be promoted.