SASTRA LISAN BERBASIS INDUSTRI KREATIF: Ruang Penyimpanan, Pengembangan, dan Identitas

This paper aims to explain the development of creative oral literature based on creative industries in Banyuwangi that develop autonomously along with traditional and modern art, such as janger, fashion, dance, and song. With the ethnographic method, the research begins with an inventory of library data and is equipped with field data collected through interviews, observation, and participation. The story of Sri Tanjung Sidopekso becomes the janger play and theme of Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival. The mantra of jaran goyang is transformed into dance and song. Various creative industries have the potential as a source of reconstructing oral literature. In coastal societies, there has developed oral literature related to maritime culture. In Muncar Banyuwangi, the rituals of petik laut use spells and maritime cultural symbols, such as mantras, pilgrimages to the tombs of the founders of the Muncar fishing village. While in Payangan Jember, the story of the founders of the fishing village is respected by singing macapat Babad Marsodo. All of those are meaningful when they become action, knowledge, experience, and appreciation of the supporting community. The results show that oral literature has the potential to inspire the creative industries. Re-versely, creative industries have the potential as a source for reconstructing oral literature that enriches their forms and versions.