A clearance pipeline-based method for street tree maintenance information detection using MLS data

Street trees provide a multitude of benefits but may cause hidden dangers to traffic safety under inaccurate maintenance. Mobile laser scanning (MLS) system can efficiently provide high-precision urban environment information. This article aims to develop a clearance pipeline-based method to obtain street tree maintenance information by analysing the spatial relationship between street trees and the clearance pipeline using MLS data. Our method consists of two steps: pipeline construction and maintenance information detection. The proposed approach can map street tree maintenance information and serve as an urban management tool. An urban block with a total length of 6.4 km was selected as the case area. The results indicated our method can effectively detect obstructive objects and pruning the street trees identified by our method can effectively improve the visibility of traffic signs. Our study shows the potential of MLS data in urban facilities management and aims to provide a safer road environment.
Funding Information
  • Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China