Fovilles Syndrome a Case to Remember Case Report

The Foville’s Syndrome is a rare clinical feature of stroke or brain hemorrhage. This is very rare brain stem syndrome and only few cases have been reported worldwide. A case of Foville's syndrome secondary to infarction at the left paramedian pontine region, which was diagnosed and treated at Annapurna Neurological institute and allied Science, Kathmandu, Nepal. A 62 years old gentleman presented with acute headache with sudden onset of vertigo, tinnitus, slurred speech, difficulty while swallowing and numbness and hemiparesis on the right side of the body. The aim of this study was to report a rare case of Foville's syndrome with the infarction at the left paramedian pontine region. The clinical manifestations were well correlated with anatomical involvement. The CT-scan of head, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), MR-Angiogram (MRA) sequence of cerebral and carotid, etc. helped in the diagnosis of the case along with the other lab investigations.

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