Thyrotoxic Hepatitis In A Patient With Subacute Thyroiditis: A Case Report

Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis (DeQuervain's disease) is a self-limiting inflammatory disease which is often diagnosed in the ”temporary thyrotoxicosis period" during the initial phases of the desease. Liver enzyme abnormalities can be seen in the course of thyrotoxicosis. The definition of "thyrotoxic hepatitis" is used to describe the elevation of liver enzymes after excluding other causes. In this case report, a female patient who developed thyrotoxic hepatitis in the course of her subacute thyroiditis, is reported to remind the importance of evaluating liver functions in the follow-up of subacute thyroiditis.

This publication has 1 reference indexed in Scilit:

  • Tiroiditler
    Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2013