Biofertilizers for Sustainable Production of Strawberry: A-Review

Modern-day intensive strawberry cultivation relies on huge application of inorganic fertilizers, which not only disrupt the balance of nature but also reduce the economic efficiency; however, it cannot be eliminated at this time without drastically decreasing its production. Hence, to tackle these problems for sustainable production of crops, bio-fertilizers and organic manures are the best alternatives. The principle of this review is based on the goal of reducing synthetic fertilizers and other chemical input usage in strawberry production. The review discusses the diffuse nature of current reports in the literature concerning microbes as inputs towards a better use efficiency of fertilizers and the possibility of reducing the total amount of fertilizer usage and sustainable and quality strawberry production. Studies with bio-inoculants in combination with inorganic nutrients have proved that some inoculants such as Azotobactor, Azospirillum, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Mycorrhizae fungi Aspergillus and Penicillium can increase the nutrient uptake of strawberry plant and increased fertilizers use efficiency. Biofertilizers in combination with inorganic fertilizers and organic manures have significant impact on plant growth (i.e., state some of the parameters here), yield (i.e., state some of the parameters here) and quality (i.e., state some of the parameters here). Likewise, organic manures improve soil physical conditions and supply all essential macro elements and microelements. These confirmations of concept studies will serve as the basis for vigorous future research into integrated nutrient management in strawberry.