教师的工作是塑造灵魂、塑造生命、塑造人的工作,学校的发展根本在于教师,人才培养质量的根本在于教师,师资队伍建设不仅仅是教师数量和结构方面,业务能力和科研实力的加强,更重要的是教师综合素质的提高。而其中教师的思想政治工作在提升教师整体的综合素质显得尤其重要。 Teachers’ work is to shape the soul, shape life, shape people’s work, the development of schools lies in teachers, and the quality of talent training lies in teachers. The construction of teachers’ team is not only the strengthening of teachers’ quantity and structure, but also the improvement of teachers’ comprehensive quality. Among them, the ideological and political work of teachers is particularly important in improving the overall quality of teachers.