Local Immunodeficiency: Combining Cross-Immunoreactivity Networks

This article continues the analysis of the recently observed phenomenon of local immunodeficiency (LI), which arises as a result of antigenic cooperation among intrahost viruses organized into a network of cross-immunoreactivity (CR). We study here what happens as the result of combining (connecting) the simplest CR networks, which have a stable state of LI. It turned out that many possibilities occur, particularly resulting in a change of roles of some viruses in the CR network. Our results also give some indications about a boundary of the set of CR networks with stable state of LI in the entire collection of all possible CR networks. Such borderline CR networks are characterized by only a marginally stable (neutral rather than stable) state of the LI, or by the existence of such subnetworks in a CR network that evolve independently of each other (although being connected).