Integrated Hand Cleaner and Dryer Product Design using QFD as a Solution for New Normal Era

At this time the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in new adaptations in daily life through new normal rules that have many rules against public activities such as using masks, keeping distance, and maintaining cleanliness by washing hands using water or hand sanitizer after interacting with objects or people in public areas. This resulted in increased use and demand for hand sanitizers and public facilities for handwashing. This study aims to obtain the design of cleaning tools and hand dryers that suit the wishes of the community. The method used in this application of Quality Function Development (QFD) by using matrix House of Quality (HOQ) to obtain the criteria of cleaning tools and hand dryers according to the wishes of the community. The results of this study obtained the design of automatic and integrated cleaning tools and hand dryers in one tool that uses a hand sanitizer made of natural antiseptic so that it does not require water and soap and with a price range of Rp.700.000