Antibacterial Activity of Moringa oleifera Seed and Tea Leaves Extracts Prepared in Chloroform against Shigella strains Isolated from Ostrich Feces

Shigella is the most common cause of the endemic form of shigellosis. The presence of bacteria such as Shigella is major threat to ostrich industry. Objective: To look for the presence of Shigella in Ostrich feces. Methods: The feces were collected from captive ostriches at the W.A Apparel factory. Shigella were isolated after the samples were inoculated on SS agar. The antimicrobial activity of Moringa oleifera seeds and tea leaves was investigated. Antimicrobial activity against Shigella isolated from ostrich feces was tested. Results: It was noticed that tea extract lacked antimicrobial activity against tested species. Moringa oleifera seeds, on the other hand, were effective against Shigella. Conclusion: Moringa oleifera seeds have been found to show inhibitive effect and are effective against Shigella