Highway tunnel safety evaluation is an important technical way to guarantee traffic safety. How-ever, the scope and technical requirements of tunnel safety evaluation in the current standard are not specific and detail enough, resulting in the quality of some evaluation reports could not meet the practical needs. The authors summarize the recent research achievements and engineering practice experience during drafting Technical Specifications for Highway Safety Audit (T/CECS G: E10-2021) (TSHSA). In TSHSA, the authors have put forward the scope and main technical points of road tunnel safety evaluation in the feasibility stage, design stages, pre-opening traffic stage and operation stage of highway, including tunnel alignments, traffic safety facilities, mechanical and electrical facilities, emergency rescue, etc. This paper is interpreted as the tunnel part of TSHSA. The paper explains the differences between TSHSA and the relevant tunnel provisions of highway safety audit (JTG B05-2015), has cleared about the purpose, cause, background, etc., of the revised provisions and the new provisions, divides the evaluation interface with the design and quality control related work. The paper’s purpose is to help the user of auditors and readers understand, grasp the evaluation scope, key contents, and evaluation depth, which will be to guarantee effectively the quality of highway tunnel safety evaluation and improve the safety level and operational efficiency of the highway tunnel. The conclusions of this paper will be written into TSHSA and Guizhou Provincial Highway Safety Audit Guidelines (2020-141-022).