Kepulauan Ayau adalah salah satu pulau kecil terluar Indonesia yang masih belum banyak dieksplorasi terkait data penelitian ilmiah khususnya data ikan karang.Ikan karang yang berhubungan erat dengan terumbu karang adalah famili Chaetodontidae.Hal ini dikarenakan Chaetodontidae termasuk ikan corallivorous atau pemakan polip karang.Sehingga keberadaannya sangat berkaitan dengan kesehatan terumbu karang.Masih sedikitnya informasi mengenai kelimpahan ikan Chaetodontidae di ekosistem terumbu karang Kepulauan Ayau melatarbelakangi penelitian ini.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui jenis, distribusi, dan kelimpahan Chaetodontidae di Kepulauan Ayau. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2018. Terdapat 4 lokasi penelitian yaitu Pulau Abidon, Channel 1 dan 2 Kepulauan Ayau dan Pulau Dorehkar. Metode pengamatan ikan Chaetodontidae dilakukan denganMetode Sensus Visual dengan panjang transek 70 m, lebar pengamatan 2,5 m ke kiri dan 2,5 m ke kanan. Famili Chaetodontidae yang ditemukan sebanyak 26 jenis dari 3 genera (Chaetodon, Forcipiger dan Heniochus). Kelimpahan ikan Chaetodontidae di Pulau Abidon sebesar 41 ind/350m2, Channel 1 Kepulauan Ayau sebesar27 ind/350m2, Channel 2 Kepulauan Ayau sebesar; 57 ind/350m2 dan Pulau Dorehkar sebesar; 79 ind/350m2. Keanekaragaman jenisikan Chaetodontidae yang termasuk dalam ketegori tinggi (H>20) ditemukan di Pulau Dorehkar.Kelimpahan ikan Chaetodontidae tertinggi ditemukan di Pulau Dorehkar, Terdapat 2 jenis ikan Famili Chaetodontidae yang terdistribusi secara merata diseluruh stasiun pengamatan yaitu jenis Chaetodon lunulatus dan Chaetodon ulietensis.THE CORAL FISHES OF CHAETODONTIDAE FAMILY IN AYAU ISLANDS, RAJA AMPAT REGENCY, WEST PAPUA. Ayau Island is one of outer small island of Indonesia that have not been much explored to research data, especially coral fish. Coral fish that is closely related to coral reefs is Chaetodontidae. Chaetodontidae is polip eater that its closely related to the health of coral reefs. The lack of information regarding abundance of Chaetodontidae in the Ayau Island is the background of this study. The purpose of this study was to determine species, distribution, and abundance of Chaetodontidae. The study was conducted in December 2018. There were 4 research sites, Abidon Island, Channel 1 and 2 Ayau Island and Dorehkar Island. The method of observing Chaetodontidae fish was Visual Census method with a 70 m-transect, width 2.5 m to left and 2.5 m to the right. The Chaetodontidae family was found in 26 species from 3 genera (Chaetodon, Forcipiger and Heniochus). Abundance of Chaetodontidae on Abidon Island was; 41 ind/350m2, Channel 1 Ayau Island was 27 ind/350m2, Channel 2 Ayau Island was 57 ind/350m2 and Dorehkar Island 79 ind/350m2. Diversity of Chaetodontidae fish species that were included in the high category (H> 20) found on Dorehkar Island. The highest abundance of Chaetodontidae fish was found on Dorehkar Island. Chaetodon lunulatus and Chaetodon ulietensis were species of the Chaetodontidae family that was evenly distributed throughout the observation station.