Artificial intelligence(AI) Composition Technology Trends & Creation Platform

This study, the technical concept of composition using artificial intelligence, which is attracting attention as a major field of the 4th industrial revolution, and the development and service cases of major platforms are studied. The purpose of this study was to find out the plan and development plan. The concept of artificial intelligence was explained, and the concepts of LSTM and RNN, which are representative data generation models used in artificial intelligence composition, and GAN, which is an adversarial generation model, were studied, and the data generation process and algorithm of artificial intelligence were investigated. In addition, by analyzing the case of a music creation platform using artificial intelligence, which is a representative use case of the current artificial intelligence composition, the status of technology and service was investigated, and the creation process using the artificial intelligence composition platform was investigated. In addition, by analyzing the case of a music creation platform using artificial intelligence, which is a representative use case of the current artificial intelligence composition, the status of technology and service was investigated, and the creation process using the artificial intelligence composition platform was investigated.