Organization of unbalanced freight transportation with the use of freight customs complexes

Introduction. As a result of socio-economic changes taking place in Ukraine and under the influence of globalization, the logistics chains of supply of goods and raw materials at enterprises are changing. They become longer and more complex in structure. Under the influence of information technologies that accompany material and financial flows, the integration of individual links in the supply chain, which are independent business units, is intensifying. The geography of material flows is also expanding, which is manifested, in particular, in the increase in freight turnover, both in long-distance and in international traffic. Purpose. The modern approach to the organization of freight transportations demands use of modern means of information technologies at optimization of schemes of delivery of freights. Given the composition of the fleet of Ukraine, according to European standards, it is advisable to introduce traffic on the system of traction arms. In this case, we are faced with the need to use intermediate points for the temporary storage of excess cargo. The article investigates the application of a multi-stage transport problem for the distribution of cargo flows arriving at cargo customs complexes and the use of information technology to solve these problems. Results. The effectiveness of the use of a multi-stage transport task in the work of cargo customs complexes (CCC) is the possibility of acceptance by all warehouses that are available for the organization of this type of transportation, including both CCC and intermediate warehouse terminals (IWT). Considering two conditions for solving the problem, namely: when the total amount of cargo from suppliers is equal to the total capacity of acceptance of cargo CCC and IWT and provided that the total amount of cargo from suppliers is greater than the total capacity of acceptance of cargo CCC and IWT was illustrates the solution of the transport problem, respectively, in two and three stages in Excel and with the help of the designed software package. Conclusions. This article demonstrates that a multi-stage transport problem solves the problem of cargo flow management for the optimal organization of the logistics chain, which works with the use of a traction arm system and offers rational schemes of cargo delivery in international traffic.