As the implication of digital economy and the result of the technological innovation associated with change, new or transformed roles have been added to the online supply chain. The release of Industry 4.0 has brought about enormous changes, not only as regards to the increase of participants in the online marketplace, but also in terms of changing job responsibilities and job schedules. Design/methodology/approach—This article defines the most important trends on the online markets based on faculty literatures, on e-commerce and e-marketing conferences and on in-depth interviews (qualitative research method) with Hungarian experts. Furthermore, the article outlines how difficult is it to include these processes for webshop operators, according to their experiences. Findings—The article presents some results of e-commerce trends for which direction the online market might evolve and what sphere/division must focus on to exploit the opportunities of web. I tried to assess the difficulty of starting a new webshop during my research (on scale of 1–6). The innovative nature of the research is that it intends to illustrate Hungarian trends based on the processing of the professional literature of the subject. Originality/value—Much of the discussion is based on Web 4.0 and Industry 4.0. This article pushes a few new and high priority trends and to suggest the evolution of the Internet with a reason which is based on future consumer society.