The article deals with the introduction of performances of theatrical musicals into the educational process of preparing future art teachers on the artistic faculty of the Centralukrainian State Volodymyr Vynnychenko Pedadogic State University. Illuminated positive impact of such an introduction on the quality of professional training of students. The motivational approach to the meaningful responsibility of students for training is revealed when they carry out self-control over the process of acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills and become fully responsible for the quality of learned material. All this greatly increases the creative activity of students, prompts them to self-studying and self-development, forms an active life position. The role of a teacher in this system of educational process is the role of the coordinator. He carries out a general leadership of the educational and creative process, acts as a consultant, an assistant, and most importantly – he is a professional-mentor, a senior mate who helps students to master the whole complex of knowledge, skills and abilities. In such motivated training, it is necessary to point out initial goals, determined by the teacher, which coincides with the educational motives of students. Only under such conditions, academic actions of the students will be transformed into conscious educational activities, the motivation of success will be created. That is why students study on the basis of partnership in the chorus studio. They make their proposals for project themes, develop the concept, choose the form of material presentation, create scenarios and are interested in preparatory and organizational work, as well as independently choose the direction of its own educational activity within the project – write or distribute musical solos and choral parties, make them choral. Arrangement or perform computer arrangement of musical accompaniment, etc. Execution of such a work not only reveals existing knowledge of students on the relevant educational subjects, but also requires mastering new knowledge and skills, assimilating the material of new educational subjects that are needed to implement the plan.