Antimicrobial Resistance of Salmonella Species Isolates from Broiler Birds in District Peshawar

| The present study was conducted in Veterinary Research Institute (VRI) District Peshawar from January, 2016 to August, 2016. A total of 200 samples were tested including 40 samples from each Liver, Kidney, Heart, Lungs and Intestines. Mac-Conkey agar was used for culture. The RapID-ONE-System was used for identification of Salmonella species. Different antibiotics, Ciprofloxacin, Gentamicin, Levofloxacin Ampicillin, Tetracyclin , and Azithromycin were used against Salmonella species. The prevalence rate was observed as S. gallinarum 63.33 % S. pullorum 35% and S. typhimurium 1.66 %. The most prevalence was found 35% in liver and 30% in intestines. Ampicillin was more resistant (76.66%) followed by Gentamicin 75%. While the highest sensitivity/susceptibility rate was 51.66 % observed by Levofloxacin. It was concluded from the current study that Salmonella have high resistance against certain antibiotics. and the drugs like Ampicillin showed reduced action against Salmonella infection. The resistance pattern of the drugs against Salmonella is uniformly changing therefore it is suggested that there may be a continuous research study to evaluate the resistance of the Salmonella and haphazard use of antibiotics may be discouraged.