目的:总结ERAS在1例胸壁肿物行3D打印胸肋骨(PEEK材料)个体化胸壁重建术围手术期的应用。方法:针对患者的情况,结合患者个体化的1:1仿真3D打印胸肋骨模型,介绍3D打印的优势以及选择的必要性,针对其疾病特点以及患者的个体情况制订实施护理措施,包括胸壁缺损重建围手术期护理、患者肢体功能锻炼。结果:经多学科通力协作,患者顺利恢复出院。结论:多学科通力协作下实施个体化的ERAS围手术期的护理是对此患者顺利痊愈的关键。 Objective: To summarize the nursing methods of individualized chest wall reconstruction with osteosarcoma of the sternum using material of 3D printing. Methods: According to the patient’s condition, combined with the patient’s individualized 1:1 simulated 3D printing model of sternum and ribs, the advantages of 3D printing and the necessity of selection were introduced. Nursing measures were formulated and implemented according to the disease characteristics and patient’s individual conditions, including post-operative nursing of chest wall defect reconstruction, nursing of osteosarcoma of the sternum and patient’s function exercise of limbs. Results: The patient was smoothly discharged from hospital after recovery through multi-disciplinary cooperation. Conclusion: Individualized preoperative and postoperative nursing is the key to the successful recovery of this patient.

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