目的:探讨NICU收治的维、汉族新生儿听力筛查未通过的影响因素,为听力障碍早期干预策略提供依据。方法:新疆自治区妇幼保健院NICU2017年1月~2017年12月收治维族、汉族各524、1533例高危儿作为研究对象。采用TEOAE在生后72小时进行听力初筛,对病例进行疾病构成比、听力未通过疾病构成比分析,通过χ2检验,比较维、汉族新生儿听力筛查未通过的影响因素。结果:新生儿听力筛查未通过率,维、汉族为25.19%、12.26%。以早产或极低体重、宫内感染、高胆红素血症、窒息、肺炎、妊娠糖尿病、胎粪吸入综合征、溶血病、湿肺为序,维、汉族疾病构成比(%)为42.37、10.11、19.27、8.78、4.96、7.25、2.48、1.91、2.86;27.40、8.35、39.86、4.24、3.98、10.37、2.41、1.76、1.63,两者构成有差异(P Objective: To analyze the results of Uygur and Han newborn hearing screening in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and to investigate the effective factors affecting hearing screening. Methods: Both 524 Uyghur and 1533 Han newborns in NICU received hearing screening test by transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) and the effective factors were investigated. Chi-square test was used to analyze the differences of unpassed rate and the effective-factors, respectively. Results: The constituent ratio of premature, intrauterine infection, hyperbilirubinemia, asphyxia, pneumonia, gestational diabetes, meconium aspiration syndrome, neonatal hemolytic disease and wet lung in NICU Uygur newborns was as 42.37, 10.11, 19.27, 8.78, 4.96, 7.25, 2.48, 1.91 and 2.86 respectively, and the corresponding disease constituent ratio of Han newborns was 27.40, 8.35, 39.86, 4.24, 3.98, 10.37, 2.41, 1.76 and 1.63 and there was statistically significance (P

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