Pendampingan Guru Inovatif dan Reflektif Melalui TBLA Berbasis Lesson Study di SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Batu

Tujuan dari pendampingan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman, sikap dan keterampilan guru atas inovasi dan reflektif dalam pembelajaran melalui pemanfaatan TBLA berbasis lesson study. Metode yang digunakan pada pengabdian ini adalah (1) inclass training melalui langkah Pembekalan (materi konsep pendidikan abad 21, pedagodis modern dan learning community), (2) on the job training melalui langkah workshop penyusunan rencana aksi, penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran (open plan), open class, observasi, refleksi dan tindak lanjut). Sedangkan metode pendampingan dipilih dalam kaitannya dengan implementasi program pengabdian yaitu model SUPIA (School-University Partnership In Action) atau kemitraan dengan aksi setara untuk meraih kualitas pendidikan. Hasil sosialisasi menunjukkan bahwa guru menerima pengetahuan baru terkait dengan guru inovatif dan reflektif dan terdorong untuk mempraktekannya. Hasil workshop pembelajaran kolaboratif meningkatkan pemahaman prinsip pembelajaran kolaboratif dan penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran atau lesson design secara terbuka (open plan) meliputi chapter design dan lesson design merupakan integrasi dari TPACK. Pada Chapter design berisi content knowledge yang menjabarkan dokumenn kurikulum, sedangkan Lesson Design merupakan technological paedogogic yang meliputi sharing task dan jumping task, penugasan dalam porsi individu dan porsi kelompok. Pembelajaran kolaboratif mengimplementasikan teori belajar social Vigotsky, teori belajar kognitif Jean Piaget dan teori belajar proto/deutro James Bateson. Pembelajaran kolaboratif sebagai salah satu implementasi guru inovatif menghasilkan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan kolaboratif siswa. Hasil ini telah didukung oleh pemanfaatan TBLA yang dikemas dalam bingkai lesson study dalam rangka mewujudkan predikat guru reflektif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengabdian ini telah menguatkan mindset, cita cita guru inovatif dan reflektif. Guru inovatif diwujudkan dengan kemampuan merancang dan menerapkan pembelajaran kolaboratif, sementara itu guru reflektif diindikasikan dengan pemanfaatan TBLA dalam bingkai lesson study. Pengabdian ini telah mampu mewujudkan peningkatan kualitas proses dan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA untuk materi Pesawat Sederhana.  Innovative and Reflective Teacher Assistance Through Lesson Study-Based TBLA at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Batu  The purpose of this assistance is to improve the understanding, attitudes, and skills of teachers on innovation and reflective learning through the use of lesson study-based TBLA. The methods used in this service are (1) in-class training through the detachment (21st-century education concept material, modern pedagogy, and learning community), (2) on the job training through the workshop steps of preparing action plans, preparing learning tools (open plan), open class, observation, reflection, and follow-up). While the mentoring method was chosen in relation to the implementation of the service program, namely the SUPIA (School-University Partnership In Action) model or partnership with equal action to achieve quality education. The results of the socialization show that teachers accept new knowledge and are encouraged to use it in practice to become innovative and reflective teachers. The results of the innovative learning workshop with the collaborative learning model make the target teacher's understanding of the principles of collaborative learning increasingly mastered. The results of the preparation of learning tools or lesson designs in an open (open plan) show that chapter design and lesson design are an integration of TPACK which should be well prepared to realize real collaborative learning. That collaborative learning recognizes task sharing and jumping tasks, recognizes assignments in individual portions and group portions. Collaborative learning implements Vygotsky's social learning theory, Jean Piaget's cognitive learning theory, and James Bateson's proto/deutro learning theory. Collaborative learning as one of the implementations of innovative teachers results in an increase in students' critical thinking skills and collaborative skills. This result has been supported by the use of TBLA which is packaged in a lesson study frame in order to realize the predicate of a reflective teacher. It can be concluded that this dedication has strengthened the mindset, ideals of innovative and reflective teachers. Innovative teachers are manifested by the ability to design and implement collaborative learning, while reflective teachers are indicated by the use of TBLA in the lesson study frame. This service has been able to realize an increase in the quality of the process and student learning outcomes in science subjects for Simple Plane material.