脑卒中已经成为威胁我国国民健康的首要疾病,其中急性缺血性卒中是最常见的卒中类型。血压控制在卒中的一级预防及二级预防中的作用是相对肯定的,但是关于卒中急性期的血压调控目前还存在争议,是否需要进行降压、降压幅度、降压时机、药物选择等问题仍然无统一定论,本文对缺血性脑卒中患者急性期血压调控问题进行综述,旨在为缺血性卒中患者急性期个体化血压调控提供一定依据。 Stroke has become a major disease threatening the health of Chinese people, among which acute ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke. The role of blood pressure control in the primary and secondary prevention of stroke is relatively positive, but the issue of blood pressure control in the acute ischemic stroke remains controversial, and whether it is necessary to reduce blood pressure, the amplitude, the opportunity, the drug selection are still inconclusive. This article will review the blood pressure control in acute ischemic stroke, in order to provide some evidence for individual blood pressure regulation in patients of ischemic stroke.