Behavioral Fingerprint Authentication

In any commercial applications, users need a secure model to protect their transactions. The behavioral biometric such as voice and signature is dynamic, naturally involves cognitive experience and controlled by human beings. This could be seen when user changes their signature or voice given different situations. As a result, users would be more convinced to use behavioral biometric for authentication against fingerprint, which is physiological and static. Fingerprint biometric stemmed from a number of predicaments with prove of stolen, artificial and cut-off finger cases. The dilemma to use either behavioral or physiological biometric delves in as the accuracy of behavioral biometric is not as reliable as physiological biometric. The physiological biometric such as fingerprint and iris recognition are unique and cannot be mimicked by others easily. In addressing this gap, an authentication framework combines a unique physiological fingerprint and permutated sequence, known as behavioral fingerprint is proposed in this paper. Behavioral fingerprint authentication serves as a firewall to block or delay unauthorized access to a security system if user's fingerprint was lost or compromised.

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