COGNIC - A Mobile Device Application Used for Cognitive Stimulation in Older People with Dementia

Dementia is characterized by marked cognitive impairment and is a prevalent mental illness among older people. Alzheimer’s disease is the most frequent form of dementia, affecting memory and other cognitive functions. Although there is no cure for the disease, there are treatments that can relieve cognitive symptoms and control the behavior of affected individuals. In recent years, there has been a progressive increase in the use of applications designed for smartphones and tablets for the non-pharmacological treatment of dementia. This article describes the development of an application for mobile devices with the Android® platform operating system based on guidelines established in the literature to be used by health professionals who provide care for older people with a diagnosis of mild to moderate dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease. The application was evaluated employing usability tests and questionnaires, the results of which indicated that the application met the proposed objectives, validating the guidelines established in the literature for the development of applications for this population.