Educational institutions of Ukraine today are as widely involved in the organization and implementation of digital education - a combination of different components and modern technologies through the use of digital platforms, the introduction of new information and educational technologies, the application of advanced forms of organization of educational process and active teaching methods, as well as modern teaching materials. One of the aspects of modernizing digital education is the introduction of e-learning in institutions of general secondary education. Already at school it is necessary to raise the level of information culture of youth, as it will help it to adapt faster to modern technologies in higher educational establishments. Information educational environment of the educational institution is considered as a system of informational spaces. The article analyzes the modern technologies of developing and implementing e-learning systems in general education institutions in the context of the organization and implementation of digital education in Ukraine, the possibilities of their application for organization of informational educational space at school are considered. A comparative analysis of the functional capabilities of modern e-learning systems is conducted, the advantages and disadvantages of these systems are considered. Taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of each platform for the management of distance learning, suggestions are made regarding the use of individual ones for the organization of e-learning and digital administration of educational, methodological and managerial activities in general education institutions. Correctly organized with the help of a number of organizational, technical, program and methodical measures, such a system of management of education and activities of an educational institution becomes as effective as possible.