The High morbidity of dengue requires effective and efficient prevention efforts. Breaking chain of transmission through the eradication of mosquito nests (PSN) is a way that is believe an effective and efficient in controlling dengue. However, a nation-wide study shows that PSN has not been fully implemented in Indonesia. The aim of study was to described the relations between sociodemographic factors and mosquito bite prevention behaviour of PSN action in Indonesia, using Riskesdas 2018 data. The Population was used households is as samples in Indonesia as much as 262,917. The dependent variable is PSN actions and the independent variables are age group, occupation, education level, urban and rural areas as well as mosquito bite prevention practice by households and individuals. Data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression. The result was shown that the age group, education, occupation of the head of the household (KRT) and housewife (IRT) (P value