The term “counter narrative” refers to a narrative that takes on meaning through its relation with one or more other narratives. While this relation is not necessarily oppositional, it involves a stance toward some other narrative(s), and it is this aspect of stance, or position, that distinguishes counter narrative from other forms of intertextuality. The article explained, “counter‐narratives only make sense in relation to something else, that which they are countering counter narratives has been seen as a means of opposing or resisting socially and culturally informed master narratives (about, for example, skin colour, ethnicity, and food culture), which are often normative or oppressive, or exclude perspectives or experiences that diverge from those conveyed through master narratives. In this sense, counter narratives play a role in storytellers positioning themselves against, or critiquing, the themes and ideologies of master narratives. Used in this way, “counter narratives” refer to “the stories which people tell and live which offer resistance, either implicitly or explicitly, to dominant cultural narratives” This articles explains the counter narratives on perception of black skin colour and food culture. Both the concepts of counter-culture and counter-narrative tradition are new in the folklore field of Tamil traction.