Impact of Urine Blood on Chocolate Likeliness

This study relates the relation between blood in urine and chocolate depicted. Hematuria is a condition in which blood release from body with urine. When we see blood in our urine this condition called gross hematuria and when we can’t see the blood in urine with our naked eye it is known as microscopic hematuria. Their more risk factors are age, infection, family history. Main symptoms of this disease are nausea, vomiting, fever, chill and pain in abdomen or back. Chocolate is famous due to its delicious taste and attractive brown color. Chocolate is made up of different types of method in every country. The simplest method of chocolate manufacturing is mixture of sugar, milk and cocoa powder. 60% males have blood in urine and are chocolate depicted. while 53.75% females have blood in urine and are chocolate depicted