Meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen di masa pandemi melalui pemanfaatan discovery learning

During the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers in every school use online media such as using the ZOOM application, Google Meet, and Google Classroom to carry out the teaching and learning process. Pusaka Abadi Elementary School teachers, Teluk Gong, North Jakarta during the Covid 19 pandemic often used conventional models, but the results turned out to be less effective, this is because the online conventional model has many problems that students and teachers must face, namely: an unstable network. so that students can only hear little by little and in the end draw the wrong conclusions or become less than optimal, turn off the camera during teaching and learning so that it makes it difficult for teachers to monitor students whether the students are listening or while playing games or recreation as a result, making students' creative thinking skills decrease and results decreased student learning. The results of the research on the initial conditions showed that the material presented during the teaching and learning process in the school was about 50% of the children who caught the material. Then the researchers applied two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. The results of the first cycle by applying the discovery learning model showed the level of achievement increased to 85% from the initial conditions. Continued to apply cycle II and the results reached 100%.   Abstrak Masa pandemi covid-19 mengharuskan guru-guru di setiap sekolah mengunakan media online seperti aplikasi Zoom Meeting, Google Meet dan Google Classrom untuk melakukan proses belajar mengajar. Perubahan media belajar dari ceramah ke tatap maya seharusnya diikuti dengan model belajar yang tepat. Fakta sebaliknya terjadi di Sekolah Dasar Pusaka Abadi, Teluk Gong, Jakarta Utara. Proses belajar mengajar yang dilaksanakan masih mengunakan model belajar konvensional. Hal ini menyebabkan hasil belajar kurang efektif. Model belajar konvensional yang dilakukan dengan media online menimbulkan masalah yang harus siswa dan guru hadapi yaitu, jaringan yang kurang stabil sehingga siswa tidak dapat mendengarkan dengan baik sehingga ketika menarik kesimpulan, hasilnya kurang maksimal. Permasalahan ini menyebabkan daya berpikir kreatif siswa menurun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kondisi awal materi yang di sampaikan pada saat proses belajar mengajar di dalam sekolah sekitar 50% anak yang menangkap materi. Kemudian peneliti menerapkan dua siklus yakni siklus I dan siklus II. Hasil siklus I dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran discovery learning menunjukkan tingkat ketercapaian meningkat menjadi 85% dari kondisi awal. Dilanjutkan menerapkan siklus II dan hasilnya mencapai 100%.