Mutu Fisik Biji dan Citarasa Kopi Arabika Hasil Fermentasi Mikrob Probiotik Asal Pencernaan Luwak

Civet coffee is produced through microbial digestion inside the civet’s tenue intestinal and caecum. Therefore, fermented coffee using probiotic microbes isolated from the civet digestive organs presumably will produce coffee with a distinctive flavor and aroma, which is similar to civet coffee. The research aimed to determine the effect of the fermentation period on physical quality of beans and flavor profile of probiotics Arabica coffee. The research was conducted at Belanga and Belantih Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, laboratory of Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) Bali, laboratory of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute Jember, and laboratory of Indonesian Center for Agricultural Postharvest Research and Development Bogor, from June to December 2013. Fermentation was carried out in 2 phases: (1) fermentation using probiotic microbes isolated from civet’s intestum tenue, (II) fermentation using probiotic microbes isolated from civet’s caecum. The treatments were arranged as follows: P1 = fermentation at phases I and II, each for 4 days, P2 = fermentation at phases I and II, each for 5 days, P3 = fermentation at phases I and II, each for 6 days, P4 = fermentation at phases I and II, each for 7 days. The result showed that probiotics Arabica coffee has a reasonably good physical quality and met the requirements of SNI 01-2907-2008. The best flavor was obtained in 2 fermentation phases, each for 6 and 7 days with a total score of 81.44 and 80.91, respectively, which then classified as specialty coffee. The qualities shown are better compared to original Arabica civet coffee.